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ID: DRG-m02112005-002, Joined January 14, 2024.

"but how is there wind ?"


Gender: Male
Country: The new football jersey
Age: (69548 - 128)

About asdfgcool

the name's boris. i have access to the duckroll servers.

This user put nothing in the spaces for their hobbies and favorite things.

Ranks Earned

Overall Rank: Moderator

(veteran + moderator)

Medals Earned

Grape Vine (common)
Dragon (common)
Coffee (uncommon)
Human Fist (uncommon)
Sounds (uncommon)
Netscape Navigator (uncommon)
Australia (rare)
Desert Cave (rare)
Paper Plane (rare)

Elo Earned

Overall Elo Score: 21,948

Overall Account Rating

3/5 Stars! - GOOD!