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ID: DRM-m02012005-005, Joined January 24, 2024.

"i am marc."


Gender: Male
Country: Liechtenstein
Age: 18

About marc

i am marc, and i think the egg came before the chicken because there were dino eggs before the chicken roamed the earth.

Hobbies / Intrests:

playing the harpsichord.

Favorite Colour:

lime green.

Favorite Web Site:

Favorite Game:

SimCity 2k

Favorite Food:

hot dog

Ranks Earned

Overall Rank: Veteran

(veteran, joined in the early era of Duckroll)

Medals Earned

Sounds (uncommon)
Roadkill (uncommon)
Search the Web (super rare)

Elo Earned

Overall Elo Score: 9,122

Overall Account Rating

2/5 Stars! - EH...